Import / Export

The Starport allows you to exchange goods between your planets. Depending on your planet's needs, you may want to import or export some goods. Exported goods are sent to the TradePost. Imported goods are coming from the TradePost. Your Freighter fleets will automatically handle the transport operations.

(Click an element of the image for a description)
1. Information A little data about the particular good you selected and how it is used on the planet.
2. View Good Click on the icon to know how to produce the good and what uses it can have.
3. Status
Store Select this if you don't want to import or export this good.
Import Choose this option if your planet requires a larger quantity of the good than that it can produce. You can specify at which quantity a Freighter Fleet will bring a full shipment. For exemple, if you set it to 5, a shipment will be delivered as soon the the stock on the planet drop below 5.
Export Choose this option if your planet produces a larger quantity of the good than that it requires. You can specify at which quantity a Freighter Fleet will fetch it. For exemple, if you set 25, a freighter fleet will come to pickup a full shipment as soon the the stock on the planet exceeds 25.