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O que as pessoas dizem do StarKnights

Comentários do Designer Chefe e Artista Chefe do Starknights,
dos Alpha Testers, dos Beta Testers, editores de revistas e outros jogadores como você.
Alguns estão em Francês, mas a maioria está em Inglês.
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Have you been looking for a strategy title with a little more meat on the bones? Ya' know, something you can really sink your teeth into, spend a little more time with, and get lost in its reality. Well KnightSoft Technologies is preparing to offer something up that may be right up your alley with their upcoming title StarKnights.

Tristan Geoffroy,

Un p'tit plaisir digital qui devrait servir de modèle à certaines compagnies de jeux à gros budget qui ont pondu dernièrement de véritables catastrophe numériques...


Houlalala ! Un jeu de stratégie de l'espace plus que bien, carrément intéressant. StarKnights est actuellement en beta test, c'est un véritable jeu de stratégie / gestion au concept très fouillé. Si vous avez été déçu par Mankind mais que vous aimez le genre, jettez-vous sur StarKnights. Je précise que le jeu est en Francais (si ! si !), alors pourquoi se brimer ?

Peter Cohen, Beta Tester

Well, I am quite impressed. I have been playing your StarKnights game (registered of course) and honestly think that you have created a truely excellent game. Congratulations. Strategic space campaign games have always been my favorites and I've found that they have seldom been done well. Yours is exceptionally well conceived and extremely easy to play, very intuitive.

Nick Saab, Beta Tester

Knightsoft, I tip my hat to you. I do not say this about most games, but StarKnights is one of the best games I've played. It's a small download (7 megs) and delivers 100 megs worth of gameplay. I knew this game was a hit the first time I played the tutorial. There were so many options. The game mixes a brilliant combo of base-building and fighting. This is the game I've been waiting for. I'm definately going to register very shortly. If this is only [an unfinished beta], I can't wait for the full thing.

Dale Eckman, Beta Tester

The support and the updates follow timely advice. A wonderful game and always getting better. As in MK this game promotes cooperation amongst team members. An added bonus is the chat area. Thanks!

Paul Walker, Beta Tester

StarKnights [...] is the best space strategy game I ever played! Thanks for the changes in last beta. Its really nice to know that you hear the player's voices.

Brian Farrell, Beta Tester

StarKnights is the greatest! Way better then what I expected! Keep up the good work!

Simon Goodwin, Alpha Tester

StarKnights is a major break away from KnightSoft's incredibly successful first game Metal Knights. The game is a unique blend of strategy, resource management and real time action all based in outer space.

At first it all feels rather daunting. How do I make structures ? Just where is a suitable planet for the manufacture of aluminium ? Do I sell these goods to buy something or do I need them elsewhere for the manufacture of a vital component for my particle beam laser ? The list of questions that the spring to mind on first loading up StarKnights goes on and on. Quickly though you start to realise that everything has an order within the game. As the game unfolds you find yourself drawn further and further in to it. From the small beginnings of commanding 1 fleet of just 3 ships with poor defence and weak weapons, you find yourself commanding many fleets armed to the teeth with the latest lasers and torpedoes that you have just developed on some far flung planet in the universe and ready to crush all before you.

KnightSoft should feel very proud of themselves for producing yet another game that will enthral all those that play it and will make others wonder why they never thought of and implemented such a fine game.

Matthew Furrow, Alpha Tester

I love Metal Knights, and StarKnights has gone even farther in taking the best parts of online gaming and improving them. StarKnights' turn accumulation system, which balances the game so it does not favour of those who have the best internet connections and can stay on longest, is a great idea. Letting multiple people in at a time is also a great improvement over MK, making online play much more friendly to all users. As I write, SK is about to go into Beta; SK has been a blast to alpha test and has certainly come a long way since Alpha 1. I'm sure will go a long way in the future.

Mario Lefebvre, StarKnights Lead Artist
Developer's Notes

Well, StarKnights is Knightsoft's new baby, and I love it! The new game design with the improved raphics rocks! The strategy concept is better than any game I've tried in the past, and the real time combat mode adds a new dimension to the gameplay. Yes that's right, now you must fight in real-time to win!

With StarKnights we have accomplished the impossible! With such a small team and a very limited budget, we really couldn't have expected such a fantastic game. We are very proud of the results. I think we have achieved a quality on par with the world's best games. Try it; you'll see what I'm talking about.

Making a game is damn cool. Having the game recognized and played by people around the world is another great feeling. But to know the appreciation of those who play... well, that's paradise! Let us know what you think!

If you're a fan of strategy games, especially space empire games, look no further. StarKnights is a definite must-play. Here at Knightsoft, we do things differently.

David Vincent, StarKnights Lead Designer
Developer's Notes

What a thrill! It's so cool when a game you design is about to be released, especially when it looks this good! I was very proud of Metal Knights, our first game. Metal Knights was first released January 12th, 1997, and its popularity is still the envy of the industry. Even today, the income Metal Knights continues to generate is all we are using to develop our products. We went several steps further with StarKnights: not only is the game great, but it looks incredible too!

There are so many space empire games already available that you might wonder why we created yet another one. Well, each game out there has its strengths and weaknesses, and of course some were better than others. I played them a lot, but I always felt that something was missing. None had all the features I wanted in a game. It kept bothering me. So, being a game designer, I thought I'd do something about it: StarKnights is my attempt to fill the void. StarKnights includes many unique concepts found in no other games and based on thousands of suggestions made by nearly as many gamers over the years. I should also mention my years of studying astronomy and attending astronomy conferences. It is my hope that this experience lends the game a bit more realism than you'll find in other games and maybe even some educational value. StarKnights should please everyone, even the most seasoned science-fiction fans, in that regard.

Just like Metal Knights, we intend to make StarKnights a living product. This means its development will continue in the months and years to come as we successively refine its design and gameplay, really testing as many different technologies and alternatives as possible and keeping only what suits the game best. That's another awesome feature I wish more products would have. So many cool concept and ideas are lost because a product could not adapt. Having no company share-holders, publisher or distributor to please, we have the freedom to do just that. This is what made Metal Knights so successful, and we're betting StarKnights will be even better!

I must conclude by saying that all this would never have been possible without the tremendous effort and devotion offered by the other team members, despite the limited resources available. I especially wish to express my gratitude to Mario Lefebvre. He has never let me down during all these years, even in the most difficult moments. To the entire KnightSoft crew: I wish you long and happy lives and happy gaming!