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XPs | 46223 (Level 3) |
Last Play | 2022/08/04 02:11:40 |
Games | 22 |
Kills | 127 |
Kills of a higher level | 32 |
Wins | 15 (71%) |
Died | 6 |
Ratio | 2101.05 |
Location | |
Alliance | N.A.F.F. |
Description | |
Last Kills | Misior, level 1 in game 'When the going gets tough'
Dicappo, level 1 in game 'Holy Moley'
Alien, level 0 in game 'Holy Moley'
Vision, level 3 in game 'SLOW GAME'
Reptilian, level 3 in game 'SLOW GAME'
Dorian, level 8 in game 'Piano Sano'
Mccatt, level 9 in game 'Piano Sano'
Sparts, level 3 in game 'for low level xp'
De Vast Ator, level 3 in game 'for low level xp'
Ukash, level 3 in game 'for low level xp'
Alien, level 0 in game 'OLD TIME'
Rica The Sick, level 2 in game 'Hmmm'
Running Games | None |
Possible Aliases | ASUZU JOFA SKULL SCUM POLO Slime Ball Black Jack
(Inactive aliases are automatically deleted after 4-6 weeks)
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